What does it mean to embody an idea?
We are defined by the values we cherish most.
When we choose Fairtrade, we become more than just a shopper, or a farmer, or a brand. We become the embodiment of a vision for a better world – a world where smallholder farmers and workers have an equal seat at the table.
We become part of a movement for change that makes a difference with our choices. We are defined by Fairtrade’s values of equality, dignity, and respect.
Choose Your Country
This Month is for You
When you’re fighting for social and environmental justice, it is important to step back and celebrate the small victories once in a while.
That is why we dedicate the month of October to people like YOU who are committed to building a better tomorrow through your everyday actions. We’ll be presenting events, deals, collaborations, and – of course – giveaways throughout the month!
Be sure to check out what is going on in your country by using the flag selector above.
What is Fairtrade?
Millions of smallholder farmers and workers around the world grow our food and make our clothes.
But they aren’t earning enough to feed their families, plan for the future, or adapt to climate change. That just isn’t fair.
Fairtrade is working to change this by tackling unfair trading practices that disadvantage farmers and workers. We believe that poverty is at the root of many human rights injustices, and that everyone deserves a sustainable livelihood.
We are the only global sustainability label that is equally owned by farmers and workers, because they know what they need best. We stand with them for fairer prices, safer and better working conditions, and to help them adapt to climate change.
Your Impact
The simple act of purchasing a Fairtrade certified cup of coffee, chocolate bar or pint of ice cream can make a real difference in the world.
Not only are you contributing to fairer prices and Fairtrade Premiums for farmers and workers, you are also voting with your wallet and telling companies you expect them to do better.
When you choose Fairtrade, you are prioritizing people and the environment. Here’s what that looks like:
More than 2 million farmers and workers are part of the Fairtrade system
There are 1,930 organizations led by small-scale farmers and workers in 70 countries
More than $235 million in Fairtrade Premium* was paid to producers in 2021.
Take Action
*The Fairtrade Premium is an extra sum of money farmers and workers receive to invest in community or business projects of their choice.
We Are Fairtrade
Use the hashtag #WeAreFairtrade to share, tell stories, and spread the word.